
Welcome to Grevillea Cottage Farm

We would like to introduce our two very much loved & spoilt Border Collies, who are a very important part of our life here on Grevillea Cottage Farm where we breed Hereford X Santa Gertrudis cattle for the beef market. We fell in love with Border Collies over 20 years ago when we bought our first girl, Sheena & her brother, Raz from a back yard breeder, supposedly from working dog lines. Sheena was very brave & was good at working the cattle until one day a neighbour's wild bull turned on her & she decided to quit her occupation there & then.  Raz was quite happy just to lay around in the back of the ute, go surfing, & became the minder of "all things chicken". Both Sheena & Raz passed on to the rainbow bridge at the age of 13 after a lifetime of genetic problems & a mountain of vet bills.
However, they were both much loved & it took us a few years after their passing, to decide it was time to get another dog.

 It was around this time, that we discovered that Border Collies came in more colours than just black, & fell in love with the reds & chocolates. This time we made the right decision & bought from a reputable registered breeder & in 2007 purchased Bojak Bindi Dreaming AKA "Bindi", (chocolate & white) from Carolyn at Bojak Border Collies on the Gold Coast. We then fell in love with Allison's dogs from  Dunwurkn Border Collies & in May 2011, a boy was added to our family in the form of
Dunwurkn Howz That AKA "Cricket"
 (Chocolate Tri Colour).

We are not breeders & both our dogs have been desexed. Breeding should be left up to those who are knowledgable in the field of genetics & breeding.  Our dogs are first & foremost, part of our family & they would like to think they help us out with the cattle,
but our main activity with them is Agility.

This website will be constantly changing as we progress with the training of our dogs, add more photos & update their achievments & share new training tips.
We invite you to bookmark our page & come back often to share "the journey" with us
& our two border collies

Find us on YouTube for ALL our Videos @
Our Border Collies YouTube Channel

26th January 2012   Making the Best of a Very wet Day...Jan. floods

November 2011  Having Fun at Camp Tailwaggers

Using the Clicker for Shaping the Table & Contacts

Training Distance...Teaching "Out" 

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